Beating the six little holes on the instrument yields a deep sound.
1997. Chamotte clay, glaze.
Méret: 18x15x13 cm
In the collection of Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary.
Beating the six little holes on the instrument yields a deep sound.
1997. Chamotte clay, glaze.
Méret: 18x15x13 cm
In the collection of Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary.
A tárgy billegtetésekor a függesztett gömbben, és a rács mögött levő kis
golyók különböző hangokat adnak.
Chamotte clay, glaze.
40 x 47 x 20 cm
Palm-sized rattles calling for the angels.
1995. Chamotte clay.
Méret: 6x3x3 cm, 12x3x3 cm
Soft shape with a metal tune.
1994. Coloured chamotte clay.
Méret: 23x20x6 cm.
In the collection of International Ceramics Studio, Kecskemét, Hungary.
Soft shape with a metal tune. There is a secret hidden behind the grid…
1994. Coloured chamotte clay.
Méret: 23x20x6 cm.
The metal tone of the instrument is due to the thin walls of the little rattles
and the many balls inside.
1993. Coloured chamotte clay.
Méret: 42x8x8 cm